First United has established the following formal partnerships with Justice and Community groups.

Affirm United As an affirming congregation, we are a member of Affirm United.  For many years, First United was the only affirming congregation in the city and often walked alone in the Pride Parade. This has changed.  Presently, First United joined by many congregations to march in the Pride Parage and celebrate as more and more Ottawa area United Churches become affirming.  Representatives from First United are often invited to speak at churches in this process.  Whenever occasions surface, our minister or representatives speak on issues of inclusion of GLBTTQQ community in spiritual settings.

Alcoholic Anonymous First United has a long history of supporting Alcoholics Anonymous and sibling organizations such as Gamlers Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.  Several groups met at First United and information can be acessed through their website.

Centre 507 is a centretown drop in centre supported by The United Church of Canada and with which First has had a long historical relationship.  We continue to have representation on the Board of directors and support this ministry financially.

Centretown Laundry Co-op was seeded through an initiative of First United.  Though now a separate corporate identity, First continues to support the Co-op as well as be a client. [] 

First Connections Luncheon is a program run by First United in partnership with Canadian Mental Health Association and Project Upstream.  Volunteers cook and serve a hot nutritious meal once a month as well as provide a welcoming hospitable environment.

Multi-Faith Housing Initiative is an organization that First is an active member and promotes their efforts to provide affordable housing in the city of Ottawa. []

New-To-You-Shop is on the lower level of First/All Saints and receives clothing and household donations for recycling and cost-effective purchasing.  Due to Covid-19, the shop is closed.  When open, their hours are Wednesdays and Saturdays - 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.